Saito Soma's largest-ever tour "(Non)Fictions" to promote his 3rd full album "Fictions" has come to a close amidst a flurry of cheers! The first day of the tour, the Osaka performance, will be streamed online! - Daily Entertainment Clip

Saito Soma's largest-ever tour "(Non)Fictions" to promote his 3rd full album "Fictions" has come to a close amidst a flurry of cheers! It has been decided that the first day of the tour, the Osaka performance, will be streamed online!

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Saito Soma's largest-ever tour "(Non)Fictions" to promote his 3rd full album "Fictions" has come to a close amidst a flurry of cheers! It has been decided that the first day of the tour, the Osaka performance, will be streamed online!

Photography: Yusuke Takagi

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